Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese

Type of dish:
  • Cooked dishes
  • Dairy products
  • Cottage cheese
₽ per 100 g
Cottage cheese is one of the oldest farmer dairy products that a modern man knowns. They began to cook it in ancient Rome. Our ancestors knew this product too. Slavs made it of curdled milk, which is also rich in useful substances. They always followed the same recipe. Our ancestors poured the curdled milk into a pot, then it was put in a preheated oven for several hours, after which they poured the entire mixture out into a bag. Then they got the necessary whey after straining the mixture off. After that, they used a device that looked like a modern press, and cottage cheese was ready.

Cottage cheese as well as milk contains a huge amount of nutrients and trace elements. It contains proteins, which are extremely necessary, especially for a growing organism, for the formation of bone tissue. Therefore, children and people with bone injuries are recommended to consume cottage cheese and other dairy products.

Pregnant women must eat this homemade product too for their babies grow up healthy.

Meat also contains such proteins. But the peculiarity of cottage cheese is its easy digestibility while for the digestion of meat a human body needs to produce a lot of enzymes what imposes an additional load on the pancreas.

Cottage cheese, unlike other foods, contains a lot of vitamins, necessary for humans. Meat does not have this property.

We must understand that this is a useful and natural product, which is made of farm products without antibiotics and chemicals, based on natural ingredients. We strongly advise people to be more attentive when they buy cottage cheese from domestic producers and farmers.

We will be happy to deliver our homemade cottage cheese anywhere in Moscow.

03.09.17 | Русский | offers: 1



  • Europe
  • Russia
  • Moscow


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