Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition

27 October 2017 | Friday

Proper nutrition is not for people who are overweight, and not for people who "just keep on a diet." Proper nutrition is our foundation for a healthy lifestyle, because, thanks to this foundation, we help our body to maintain immunity and do not let it weaken.

In childhood, parents always told us that we need to have good breakfast, and the most important thing was to eat tight! We refused many of this, arguing that "I can’t keep anything down," "there is no appetite," "I do not want." And after all it is necessary, because the right breakfast is the basis of the whole day. Breakfast gives us enough energy, if not for the whole day, but till lunch for sure! For those who like a lot of sweet - it's your time! It is during the period from awakening to 12:00 that you can afford a little "sweet". And remember; never give up a hearty breakfast.

Do not forget about vegetables and fruits, especially when your diet is meat or fish. Speaking of meat, we should emphasize that it should be low-fat. For example, if you eat chicken, then it should be the breast fillet, the so-called white meat, is best suited. Never eat the skin of a chicken, no matter how tasty and ruddy it looks. You should not combine any meat with pasta, since you just load your stomach with extra work, and the extra pounds will not go away at all. The combination of meat with vegetables is the best dish.

Speaking of drinks, it is best to abandon the sweet soda, as well as soda water. The best option would be either mineral water without gas, or ordinary boiled water. There are several rules: never drink cold water and do not think that until it reaches the stomach it "will reach the right temperature". Likewise, it should not be hot. Optimal option is room temperature. After waking up, you should definitely drink a glass of water, about 20 minutes before breakfast. In the morning it will help you to start metabolism. Drinking it, never take your time, do everything moderately, in small sips. For a day it is worth consuming up to two liters of water, because it will help you not only to maintain the metabolic process as a whole, but thanks to it the skin is saturated, it feeds and your appearance will look much better.

Forget about seasonings, a huge amount of salt, about sugar in tea, because when you enough water, salt will only keep it in the body, which can lead to swelling of individual parts of the body, most often legs, hands and face.

Remember these simple rules of nutrition, and you will not notice how your appearance will change in a short time.
