Ordering natural meat from the village. Mutton

Ordering natural meat from the village. Mutton

25 October 2017 | Wednesday

There is no doubt that variety of meat from the village surprises. The most popular types of meat are pork and beef, then poultry (goose, chicken), lamb, goat, rabbit.

Many people are afraid to order meat, as they are unaware and do not know useful properties of natural meat of any animal. If we talk about mutton, this meat is popular because people prepare barbecue, the most savory soup kharcho and pilaf from it. Probably, these are all dishes that ordinary consumers will remember. And now it's time to show the play: we’ll tell you about mutton, what kind of meat it is and how to eat it.

Lamb is appreciated for its delicate taste, nutrition. The meat of dairy lambs is especially delicious, first, it is more expensive, and, secondly, and it is the tastiest.

Milk lambs are cut at the age of one year, when their meat is still pale pink and does not have so much fat. You shouldn’t order and eat meat of old sheep, since their meat is already harsh, has a rather unpleasant smell, and all these factors lead to the fact that the body does not absorb old sheep meat.

Note that lamb is dietary meat, which contains not only groups of complexes of vitamins and minerals, but also protein. Mutton is a huge source of vitamins B (B1, 2, 3, 4, 12) and, of course, vitamins E, D. By the amount of fat, lamb is inferior to pork. It contains iron, magnesium, copper, potassium and much more.

If you eat mutton, you not only saturate your body with vitamins and minerals, but also help it to cope with some diseases. So, people who suffer from anemia can eat lamb, saturating their body with iron. Remember that the B vitamins help to normalize and improve the nervous system and, of course, lamb will help. People suffering from gastrointestinal disease, should eat broth prepared from lamb. And this is not a complete list of useful properties of lamb. Thanks to mutton fat, colds and flu are treated.

How to choose the right mutton? First of all, you need to pay attention to the color of meat, it should be light red. Note that if the color of the meat is darker, then it is older and therefore more stringent, which can only hurt you. Raw mutton meat should not smell bad, and if it "screams" with such a smell - give it up. When you order meat, try to pay attention to all these little details, and you definitely will not go wrong!
