Natural cheese to order

Natural cheese to order

18 October 2017 | Wednesday

Many may think that there is no natural cheese in Russia, and real cheese is produced and sold only in Holland. In general, the history of natural cheese is quite rich.

Since we mentioned Dutch cheese, which is so popular on the shelves of our stores, we will start with it. According to its production, it is young, as it was imported into Europe only in the 50's of the last century. But immediately it won the audience with its piquant flavor that is why it is loved by everyone. The most delicious cheese is cheese from France. The French also began to do experiments, make blue cheese or cheese with maggots.

In general, it is worth noting that the appearance of cheese should be identified with the appearance of milk, as this is one of the main ingredients in the cooking process. Note that the cheese will begin to be considered natural only when they take selected milk, which passed all the stages of verification, examination, etc.

Natural cheese was never considered a delicacy, since both the poor and the rich added it to the diet. Today, every restaurant has in its menu a dish called a cheese plate, which contains 5-7 types of cheese. Never pass by this dish, be sure to order it, try and make sure that there are other kinds of natural cheese that are tasty and useful.

The history of making cheese in Russia began in the late 18th century, when the first cheese-making plant was opened. Today, when many people have their own farms, farmers offer their products to us, exhibiting them on various Internet portals or farm shops. So on our platform you can find and order natural cheese.

Today one of the most popular cheeses is the Adyghe, which is very delicate in taste, since in its texture, it is cottage cheese and it is prepared exclusively from pasteurized cow's milk.

Note that this type of cheese refers to dietary and contains a huge amount of proteins, while it is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, zinc, most of the vitamins of group B.

When you choose natural cheese to order, study not only the seller's pricing policy, but also read reviews about its products, comments of other buyers on portals, and try to taste what you want to buy before buying.
