News from all over the world. Ecuador

News from all over the world. Ecuador

11 October 2017 | Wednesday

Ecuadorian home-made food combines the features of a large number of native Indian nations of pre-Columbian period. At the same time, Spanish influence here is felt much less than in neighboring states.

The Ecuadorian population prefers soup, stew, rice, vegetables, and desserts such as fried bananas and other fruits that local farmers grow there.

Home-made food can offer you a huge amount of different soups: soup with cheese, avocado and potatoes, soup from fish and vegetables, potato soup with blood, broth with roasted calf’s hooves and many others.

Like in neighboring countries, there you can find exotic dishes of local farms, for example, roasted meat of guinea pig, and also more familiar roast stew of a suckling pig, a dish of tripe roasted in peanut butter with spices and others.

Rice, manioc, various local root vegetables, beans, lentils are commonly used as sides.

All dishes are seasoned with Ecuadorian "Aji" sauce. There are many kinds of this sauce.

Home-made food in Ecuador is rich in delicious fruit. Farms supply bananas, other fruits and vegetables to the Ecuadorian table.

Unique cherimoya fruit grows in the local jungle. This fruit can be used to prepare great and useful juice. Local people like to drink juices mixed with water or milk. They call such home-made cocktails batidos.

Desserts in Ecuador are presented by sweet corn, biscuits and pancakes.

Ecuador is world-famous as one of the known as one of the world’s largest importers of coffee. At the same time, it is of low quality and even tasteless inside the country. Along with juices, local people like to drink tea with lemon. Home herbal teas are also very common, as they are delicious and, at the same time, useful. There is a great variety of such home-made drinks.

Among all alcoholic beverages, locals love drinking their beer, which is considered to be the best in South America. Also they like the national pisco drink, which is made from Ecuadorian farm products: sugarcane, cinnamon and sugar.

