Cuisine at the edge of the world. Namibia

Cuisine at the edge of the world. Namibia

4 September 2017 | Monday

Homemade cuisine of Namibia is unique, attractive, unusual, and exquisite. And all this, despite the fact that the climate of the country is very dry, and the air temperature is high. This directly affects the quality of the crop. But despite this, local chefs and cook confidently save high quality of their cuisine.

Although Namibia has colonial past that influenced the local cuisine, local dishes are rightly considered to be among the most unusual and tasty in the world.

Local dishes contain meat of different animals taken from local farmers. For example: lamb, crocodile, antelope, beef, zebra, birds.

Among traditional dishes of Namibia there are all kinds of firm sausages with spices, stews, and fish cooked on the grill. There is also such a unique dish as "raushfleich" – meat that is smoked.

And all these are considered ordinary homemade dishes for every Namibian, but at the same time each dish is exotic for tourists.

Also, Namibia has a huge number of restaurants of European level of the most diverse cuisines of the world: Indian, German, Arabic, etc.

Since the country is situated on the ocean, the locals eat seafood all year round. Such products are considered delicacies in countries which are locate on the continent. For home cooking mussels, shrimps, and lobsters are considered ordinary food.

For those guests of the country who like trying something exotic and extreme, local farms and restaurants can offer worms of omaung, chakalaku, termite eggs, etc.

Namibia used to be germane colony and from Germany it inherited an established production of different kinds of excellent home-brewed beer that are as good in quality as the best examples from Europe.

Any tourist can be sure: if he arrives in Namibia, he will not only enjoy excellent views of the country, nature, nature reserves, but also will be able to taste the best dishes of home cooking.

Source: DiscOveric
