Farm products

In recent years in the Russian Federation there has been a steady increasing demand for quality food products which colloquially are known as farm products. At the same time, for an ordinary person who sees such a name, for example, in a supermarket, according to the idea of sellers, this is a firm signal that this product is qualitative, grown on the ground, surrounded by nature, without chemicals and various kinds of additives. But we should understand that this is just an effective move by representatives of large agroholdings, other food producers, which is not connected with the above characteristics for a particular product name.

It is interesting that in the legislation of the Russian Federation there is no such a notion as farm products. There are expressions which are identical to this term, reflected in the respecting federal laws, but an ordinary person reacts exactly to the notions of the farmer and his farm products. In the understanding of an ordinary citizen, these notions include the fact that a villager who has his own small household produces a small amount of agricultural goods for himself.

These products include different names of products. First of all, it is meat, grain, dairy products, various kinds of semi-processed products, which are also made from products obtained on the ground. At the same time everyone understands it is not cost-effective to use chemicals and artificial additives, which only add to the attractiveness of such products, make them natural and beneficial for our health with such a small-scale production of food products.

Since from all sorts of sources of information, including TV screens and Internet sources, it is clear that for an ordinary small producer who does not have an opportunity to start his personal store or enter the market of agricultural goods through food networks it is almost impossible to sell the excess of products.

To meet this complex and difficult task our team launched the Internet project, which helps you to erase all the limits and boundaries between the producer of agricultural products and the buyer of this product. Now an ordinary villager does not need to go to the city, try to rent a place in the markets or just stand in the prohibited place and try to sell a small excess of products received in his farm. It is enough for him to register in our website, fill in the cards of the goods and the working process will begin immediately! In fact, thanks to Internet technologies, the farmers market of natural products is now available everywhere!

But let''s go back to the beginning of this article and we figure out how to deal with poor-quality food products, with milk that does not smell like milk, meat that has been tinted to attract another customer, yogurts that are not yogurts at all, etc. In our opinion, there is one way out: we shouldn’t buy them in supermarkets, because this is dangerous for life.

But there is a natural question: how should we eat, prepare food, etc.? What products can we use? Where can we take them? We are convinced that as for agricultural products, it is easier and safer to buy them directly from producers. So, practically in any village it is possible to address to any local resident and to receive from him any product which we used to buy only in big city shops.

It is obvious to us that this approach allows us to provide a person with a proper nutrition based on healthy products of natural origin. Nutritionists and doctors of various specialties have recently noticed a huge number of children suffering from complex allergic reactions, including the poducts they are accustomed to. Among scientists, it is believed that this is due to their artificial and unnatural origin, including the use of a large number of chemical and other substances which are toxic for our health. As we mentioned above, in this regard, village food does not have such deficiencies by definition, because for a small producer, who primarily focuses on personal needs, the use of these poisonous substances is not profitable.

Our site proposes for the consideration of dear customers the widest choice of natural products brought directly from manufacturers, who make products for themselves. You will never have an opportunity to get almost any product directly from the farmer! We can say that visitors and users of the site are in the largest market of agricultural products. These products are natural and always fresh.

The producers of home honey from all corners of the country are widely represented in our project. So, if you like this sweet and healthy dessert, you can order it at any time convenient for you, and it will always be fresh and natural on your table.

It is known since ancient times, since the period of ancient Rome, that honey is not only a delicious dessert, but also an amazingly healthy product that allows you to improve the whole body, get a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. It is really healthy and natural product, which is difficult to replace with anything else.

On our site there is a great number of farmers who are engaged in the production of natural honey, and there are a lot of sorts of it. Each of the sorts presented there is interesting, healthy and tasty in its own way.

Our virtual market allows housewives who are fond of cooking, as well as home cooking, to show their skills not only to their families, but also to those who want to try not a restaurant food, but home-food that they remember since childhood. Actually, in our market you can find a large number of real home-cooked dishes, which differ from ordinary restaurant ones because they are natural and nutritious.

Our project provides an opportunity for everyone who wants to order the first or second course and even dessert directly from the amateur cook right now, while the meal for you will never repeat, you will have the largest menu in the world.

The unique combination of a wide selection of farm products and the ability to cook a large amount of home-made food makes it possible in reality to approach the ideals of nutrition. We understand the right nutrition as the production of dishes without the use of artificial components and various flavors that affect the state of our health. We state that the produced goods are natural.

We believe that our website allows us to realize the goal of obtaining real food products without intermediary services and artificial margins from intermediaries, not in words, but in practice.

As we mentioned above, our project provides any person with an opportunity to order and get home meat from any place in Russia when it is convenient for him. Domestic meat is obtained from healthy animals, which, as a rule, are grown on freedom, in conditions close to natural ones. That’s why homemade meat is more useful than that offered to us in numerous shops and supermarkets.

So, our users can buy home beef, homemade pork. It is known that such meat obtained in the natural conditions from small farms, saves all vitamins and microelements in the right proportions and the right quantities.

Meat, obtained from real farms, is fundamentally different from that produced in agroholdings. So, cattle, which is constantly in the village farms, grazes in freedom, feeds with normal natural grass, has stable grazing places, which, as a rule, are outside the large industrial cities. For this reason, domestic meat obtained from such animals is distinguished by ecological compatibility, absence of chemical and other artificial additives. According to experts, it is different not only in composition and taste, but also in its healthiness.

Even such a widespread opinion that the same domestic pork is harmful meat and it is not recommended to people with health problems is untrue. Yes, pork is fat enough. Unlike beef, it contains quite a lot of different substances that a person does not need to receive additionally with this kind of meat. However, if a pig grows in normal conditions, if it is followed by proper care, and fed with the right foods, without the addition of GMOs and other harmful additives, then, for example, the same lard will contain a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins , which are vitally important for people.

In our opinion, among all farm products homemade pork is one of the most interesting products. Pork, unlike many other types of meat, is easy to prepare. It can be cooked in almost every possible way. It is suitable for use as a filling for various dishes. Homemade pork is very nutritious. If we consider the nutrition of workers in harsh environmental conditions, in conditions of very low temperatures and a lot of pressure, doctors strongly recommend them to include pork in their nutrition, as well as products using this type of meat. This will allow a person to get the right amount of calories and nutrients, which he needs in conditions of hard work.

At the same time, the domestic chicken is fundamentally characterized differently from domesticated pork or beef. Thus, many experts chicken meat refer to dietary products because it practically does not contain fat, if we compare it with pork, but unlike beef it is easily absorbed by the human organism. This circumstance is very important when we recommend it to people suffering from various diseases, including the digestive tract.

Historically, soldiers who were seriously injured at the front and were treated in medical institutions ate chicken broth. It is interesting that in different films about the war the wounded fighters eat soup. This is chicken soup, more precisely, chicken broth. This dish is unique in its characteristics and curative effects. So, it contains practically all the necessary vitamins that a person needs every day in his life. Taking into account easy absorption of dishes from chicken, this allows to restore the strength, health and immunity of a person as soon as possible.

Nowadays the problem with chicken meat is that if this chicken is grown in the conditions of another agroholding or a large agricultural company, it is obvious that the appropriate antibiotics, drugs that intensify the growth of the creatures, etc., chemicals were used. For this reason, those classic properties mentioned above are lost and nothing useful remains of the healthy characteristics of chicken meat.

Because of the large-scale use of chemical additives used in the growth of chicken, even the taste of chicken broth changes, from a useful product it turns into a dangerous mixture containing many artificial and chemical drugs that negatively affect human health. There is no doubt, few people today will think of treating a person with products and soups obtained from chicken.

At the same time, if you turn to small village farms where people grow chicken for themselves and get chicken eggs, you can find the right meat for yourself without the negative moments mentioned above. Chickens in such houses are free-range, eat, as a rule, an ordinary food, without adding poisons and antibiotics. So the chicken''s meat remains the same as it was created by nature, with a lot of useful vitamins and microelements that contribute to the correct development of man.

In addition, small producers of dairy products are widely represented in our project. First of all, it''s homemade cheese. Generally, among experts in food, and, simply put, gourmets, cheese are at a special honorable place. They are eaten as ingredients of some dishes, as well as independently, as special delicacies. In this sense, cheese in southern Europe, especially in Italy, Spain and Greece, are on a special place in the food hierarchy. We can’t imagine the daily diet of a single native inhabitant without them. So, natural cheese are used as appetizers for wines, they are also used as the most important ingredient in salads, especially in Greece. Cheese in Italy is more than just cheese. Italians have dozens of unique types of cheese, which differ from each other in taste, milk, from which they are produced, holding time, etc. We can assure that cheese for southern Europe is the main product, while taking into account the fact that it is accepted to produce only natural dairy products, it is not only tasty, but it is a very healthy dairy product.

Since there are a lot of types of cheese and they are thoroughly presented on our website in the cards of goods, and we can classify this product according to the types of milk from which this or that cheese is made. So, on dairy farms of Europe cow''s milk and goat milk are used for making natural cheese. In this case, in contrast with ordinary cheese presented in Russian shops, the ingredients for making this food are exclusively natural, as there is strict control over compliance with the name of the product to its content. So, in Europe, especially in France, for most kinds of cheese their names are tied to specific geographical places, where these cheese is produced according to strict recipes. For this reason, this product has remained unchanged to the present day. And these unique cheese, made according to strict recipes of the past, you can find on our website.

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